My Why – Theresa
Hi! I’m Theresa, co-founder of keep company. Here’s a little bit about me and my journey through motherhood to keep company…
When I was pregnant with my first babe, I had a skewed visions of my maternity leave, all the things I would accomplish while caring for my baby. But when my precious bundle arrived, I soon realized that she did not want to be put down. Those first weeks were a mix of extreme happiness, cuddles and bonding as well as frustrations about not being able to do anything because I didn’t want to upset my baby by putting her down. After a couple of weeks we started using a carrier to take out for walks, and she absolutely loved being cozied up to us. I found however that it was bulky for such a tiny babe, and I didn’t love wearing it inside the house. Soon enough a friend gifted me a wrap and as soon as I got comfortable tying it my life changed! I was still able to connect and cuddle my babe, and at the same time be comfortable and hands free. It made those early months much easier, and I think we both really benefited from it!
Renee and I started talking; we loved how the wraps were affecting our lives and babies. But we wanted to combine the amazing benefits of babywearing while using materials and dyes that were safe for baby and the environment. It has been years of research and learning but we are confident that we have landed there. We hope you agree!
X Theresa
My Why – Renee
He was 3 weeks early, so there was so much sleeping and soothing and recovery needed once he arrived – for both of us. It was also a bit of a stressful birth - again, for both of us – so I knew that we needed to get to know and love each other efficiently to make it all work.
I was gifted a fabric wrap by my amazingly wise and insightful aunt and I used it ALL the time: walks, coffee dates, doctor’s visits, stuff around the house, travel, family events, concerts, restaurants, etc. It was so amazing to do these things with him right there in such a cozy, secure space.
My sister-in-law also leant me a bassinet. He slept so soundly in it, and I loved being able to have him right close to me – whether I was having a bath, or in the kitchen, or having a rest on the couch…it’s so portable so he was always right beside me.
It’s so funny before you have a baby how many things you think you need. For me, all I needed (“equipment”-wise) was my wrap and my bassinet. Everything else was done using regular household things…change pad on top of a dresser, bath in the sink, you know.
Theresa, one of my closest friends and now biz partner, and I had our babes pretty close together and shared our love for our wraps. We naturally started chatting about how we could create a product that catered to a Canadian (specifically, Pacific Northwest-y) clientele. So we started brainstorming about ways to make a Canadian product that is environmentally-conscious, thoughtful, beautiful, and contribute to local jobs, etc. And we just kept talking…and brainstorming…and thinking…and here we are: at the beginning of our journey with Keep Company. We begin with a wrap and a bassinet, and our goal is to make them as wonderful as we possibly can. I hope you enjoy what we’ve come up with. Thanks for reading. Keep in touch. Lots of love, Renee